Source code for envipyengine.engine

The ENVI Py Engine object selects a task engine to use with ENVI Py

from __future__ import absolute_import
from abc import abstractmethod, abstractproperty
from string import Template
from .envipymeta import ENVIPyMeta
from .utils import with_metaclass

[docs]class Engine(with_metaclass(ENVIPyMeta, object)): """ The ENVI Py Engine Class. :Example: Import the module for the example >>> from envipyengine import Engine >>> from pprint import pprint Create an ENVI Engine and print a list of available tasks. >>> envi_engine = Engine('ENVI') >>> tasks = envi_engine.tasks() >>> pprint(tasks) ['AdditiveLeeAdaptiveFilter', 'AdditiveMultiplicativeLeeAdaptiveFilter', 'ApplyGainOffset', ... """ @abstractmethod def __init__(self, engine_name, cwd=None): """ Returns an ENVI Py Engine object based on the engine_name. :param engine_name: A String specifying the name of the requested engine. :param cwd: A String representing the current working directory for the engine execution. :return: None """ pass @abstractmethod
[docs] def task(self, task_name): """ Returns an ENVI Py Engine Task object. See ENVI Py Engine Task for examples. :param task_name: The name of the task to retrieve. :return: An ENVI Py Engine Task object. """ pass
[docs] def tasks(self): """ Returns a list of all tasks known to the engine. :return: A list of task names. """ pass
@abstractproperty def name(self): """ Returns the name of the task engine associated with the Engine. :return: The task engine name (i.e. ENVI, IDL, etc.) """ pass def __str__(self): props = dict( return Template('''Engine (${name})''').substitute(props) def __repr__(self): return self.__str__() def __unicode__(self): return self.__str__()