ENVI Py Engine

The ENVI Py Engine object selects a task engine to use with ENVI Py

class envipyengine.engine.Engine(engine_name, cwd=None)[source]

The ENVI Py Engine Class.


Import the module for the example

>>> from envipyengine import Engine
>>> from pprint import pprint

Create an ENVI Engine and print a list of available tasks.

>>> envi_engine = Engine('ENVI')
>>> tasks = envi_engine.tasks()
>>> pprint(tasks)

Returns the name of the task engine associated with the Engine.

Returns:The task engine name (i.e. ENVI, IDL, etc.)

Returns an ENVI Py Engine Task object. See ENVI Py Engine Task for examples.

Parameters:task_name – The name of the task to retrieve.
Returns:An ENVI Py Engine Task object.

Returns a list of all tasks known to the engine.

Returns:A list of task names.

ENVI Py Engine Task

The ENVI Py Engine task object provides task information and can submit a job to the Task Engine with input.

class envipyengine.task.Task(uri=None, cwd=None)[source]

The ENVI Py Engine Task object represents a Task Engine task and its parameters.


Import the modules for the example.

>>> from envipyengine import Engine
>>> from pprint import pprint

Create an Engine object for ENVI and get a task

>>> envi_engine = Engine('ENVI')
>>> task = envi_engine.task('SpectralIndex')

Investigate task information.

>>> print(task.name)
>>> print(task.description, type(task.description))
('This task creates a spectral index raster from one pre-defined spectral
index. Spectral indices are combinations of surface reflectance at two
or more wavelengths that indicate relative abundance of features of
interest.', <type 'str'>)
>>> print(task.display_name, type(task.display_name))
('Spectral Index', <type 'str'>)
>>> task_parameters = task.parameters
>>> pprint(task_parameters)

Execute a job using the Task Engine

>>> input_raster = dict(url='C:\Program Files\Harris\ENVI54\data\qb_boulder_msi',
>>> parameters = dict(INPUT_RASTER=input_raster,
                      INDEX='Normalized Difference Vegetation Index')
>>> result = task.execute(parameters)

The task description

Returns:a string

The display name of the task

Returns:a string
execute(parameters, cwd=None)[source]

Executes a synchronous task using the Task Engine

  • parameters – A dictionary of key-value pairs of parameter names and values. The dictionary serves as input to the job.
  • cwd – Set to the current working directory the engine will run in. Defaults to the python current working directory if none specified.

A dictionary containing the Task Engine output.


The name of the task

Returns:a string

A list of the task parameter definitions. Each task parameter is a dictionary containing, but not limited to, the following keys:

Key Data Type Type Description
name string Required The name of the parameter
display_name string Required The display name of the parameter
type string Required The parameter data type
direction string Required Can be input or output
description string Required The parameter description
required bool Required Indicates if the parameter is required on input when submitting a job
dimensions string Optional Indicates if the parameter is an array if set. Dimesions is of the format [dim1,dim2,...]
choice_list list Optional A list of available choices for the parameter input
min type Optional The minimum value allowed for the parameter
max type Optional The maximum value allowed for the parameter
Returns:a list of parameter dictionaries

The task unique identifier

ENVI Py Engine Config

The config module is used to configure settings for ENVI Py Engine.

The following properties are currently supported:

Property Name Data Type Description
engine string The full path to the engine executable. Example: “C:\Program Files\Harris\ENVI54\IDL86\bin\bin.x86_64\taskengine.exe”
engine-args string Any additional command line arguments that will be passed to the taskengine executable.
Environment Variable string Any valid environment variable and value pairs.
Names   All name/value pairs specified in this section will be interpreted as environment variables for use when running the Engine.

Please refer to the following examples of setting configuration values.

Set the Engine Executable path for the current user:
>>> import envipyengine
>>> envipyengine.config.set('engine', <executable-path>)
Set the ENVI Engine Executable path for all users.
>>> import envipyengine
>>> envipyengine.config.set('engine', <install-dir>, system=True)
Specify additional arguments for the Task Engine:
>>> import envipyengine
>>> envipyengine.config.set('engine-args', '--compile')
Specify an environment variable to be used when running the task engine:
>>> import envipyengine
>>> envipyengine.config.set_environment(dict('IDL_PATH'=<path-to-idl-code>)

The locations of the configuration files are:

OS and Configuration Type Configuration File
Windows User Configuration C:\Users\<user>\AppData\Local\envipyengine\settings.cfg
Windows System Configuration C:\ProgramData\envipyengine\settings.cfg
Mac OS X User Configuration /Users/<user>/Library/Preferences/envipyengine/settings.cfg
Max OS X System Configuration /Library/Preferences/envipyengine/settings.cfg
Linux User Configuration /home/<user>/.envipyengine/settings.cfg
Linux System Configuration /var/lib/envipyengine/settings.cfg

Returns the value of the specified configuration property. Property values stored in the user configuration file take precedence over values stored in the system configuration file.

Parameters:property_name – The name of the property to retrieve.
Returns:The value of the property.

Return all environment values from the config files. Values stored in the user configuration file will take precedence over values stored in the system configuration file.

Returns:A dictionary containing the name/value pairs of all environment settings in the config file.
envipyengine.config.remove(property_name, system=False)[source]

Remove a configuration property/value setting from the config file.

  • property_name – The name of the property to remove.
  • system – Set to True to modify the system configuration file. If not set, the user config file will be modified.
envipyengine.config.remove_environment(environment_var_name, system=False)[source]

Remove the specified environment setting from the appropriate config file.

  • environment_var_name – The name of the environment setting to remove.
  • system – Set to True to modify the system configuration file. If not set, the user config file will be modified.
envipyengine.config.set(property_name, value, system=False)[source]

Sets the configuration property to the specified value.

  • property_name – The name of the property to set.
  • value – The value for the property.
  • system – Set to True to modify the system configuration file. If not set, the user config file will be modified.
envipyengine.config.set_environment(environment, system=False)[source]

Set engine environment values in the config file.

  • environment – A dictionary containing the environment variable settings as key/value pairs.
  • system – Set to True to modify the system configuration file. If not set, the user config file will be modified.